
Linux Kernel Development Statistics

Linux is undoubtedly the largest and the most vibrant open source project till date. The following statistics from the Linux Kernel Development article quantify this massive effort.

*Around 3,621 lines were added, 1,550 lines were removed, and 1,425 lines were changed every day for the past 2.5 years

*A small number of companies (like Novell, Redhat) are responsible for a large number of changes. But there is a "long tail" of companies which have made significant changes.

*There is a new Linux kernel release every 2.7 months.

*The top 10 individual developers have contributed almost 15 % of the changes and the top 30 developers have contributed 30 %. Thus there are few developers who contribute a lot and lots of developers which contribute a few. There is a marked inequality of work.

* 70% of the kernel development is done by developers who are being paid by the companies for their work.

* Individual development community has doubled in the last 3 years.

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